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Renting Out Your Gear

Renting out your owned gear has become increasingly common in the production and entertainment industry. Whether you prefer renting to acquaintances or utilizing peer-to-peer platforms like Sharegrid and Kitsplit during downtime, it’s a great way to earn extra income.

Ensuring Coverage for Your Gear

When renting out your gear, it’s essential to ensure it’s adequately covered:

  1. Add Rented Equipment Coverage: You can protect your owned gear while it’s being rented out by adding rented equipment coverage to your existing insurance policy. This coverage typically safeguards your equipment against common causes of loss, providing peace of mind while it’s in someone else’s hands.
    • You can apply for this coverage when you initially set up your insurance or later through your policyholder dashboard.
  2. Consider False Pretense Coverage: It’s also wise to consider adding ‘False Pretense’ coverage to your policy. This extends protection in cases where your gear is stolen by a renter, which might not be covered under basic rented equipment insurance. Learn more about False Pretense coverage and its benefits [here](link to more information if available).

Important Considerations

    • Income Threshold: Note that if you earn more than 25% of your gross annual income from rentals, you may be ineligible for coverage while your equipment is rented out. In such cases, it’s advisable to explore alternative insurance options. Contact [email protected] for assistance or referrals to other insurance providers who can offer quotes tailored to your needs.

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